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myron law associates

Website ​Sekolah

We take pride in helping people ​from all walks of life achieve ​the justice and peace they ​deserve.

Sekolah Formal, Pondok ​Pesantren, Seminar,Kursus dan ​lain nya

Tahun Ajaran 2024 - 2025

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Decorative Vertical Frame

Perkenalkan ​saya Founder ​Ammar Test

Our clients' bottom line is our top ​priority. We are in constant ​communication with the people we ​serve and are committed to advancing ​the immediate needs and wants of our ​clients. Our team works around the ​clock to provide the necessary ​services and support that each client ​needs from us.

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Apa yang akan di ​pelajari di Sekolah ​Ini ?

Pendidikan Formal

What's special about your ​services or offerings? Give your ​audience a reason to choose you ​over your competition. Cite it ​above, then flesh it out here.

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Sekolah Lingkungan

What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competition. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

Pendidikan Agama

What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competition. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

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Students Inside a Classroom in the School
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Daftar Biaya

Share your services or specializations ​here, then list them down as bullet ​points for mobile-friendly easy reading.

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Add as many bullets

as you need + Certificate

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Add as many bullets

as you need + Relasi dan Teman

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Add as many bullets

as you need + Ilmu Baru

Rp. 99.000/SPP

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Modul Sekolah

Materi dan Jadwal sekolah kami ​memiliki beberapa point mulai dari ​Formal, Agama hingga Ekstrakulikuler

Lokasi : Hotel Casablanca

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Graduation Paper Icon
Graduation Paper Icon

Day 1 : 2 Februari 2024

Jadwal Pelajaran Formal

Day 2 : Point 2

Perkenalan Agama

Day 3 :

Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler

Man in Blue Sweater Sitting Beside Woman in Gray Blazer
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Feedback from Clients

Kenapa harus belajar di Sekolah Kami

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

- Hannah Morales

Boost your product and ​service's credibility by ​adding testimonials from ​your clients. People love ​recommendations so ​feedback from others ​who've tried it is ​invaluable.

- Teddy Yuhui

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Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

- Lorna Alvarado

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Contact Us


123 Anywhere St.

Any City, ST 12345

Illustration of Telephone

(123) 456-7890

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Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12 noon

Closed on Sundays

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